Equipped for Good Work.


Throughout the entire Bible, God uses everyday people to complete extraordinary work. God consistently used the people who were the least qualified, most under-educated, and deeply unprepared, to lead nations, teach crowds and represent the Kingdom of Christ to the world. 

God is mysterious, yet so dependable. The very way that the God of the universe chose to come and walk among people, was in the form of a baby who grew up to be a carpenter. Jesus loved the unlovable, touched the untouchable and formed a ministry team from a group of fishermen and hated tax-collectors.

So many of the people who Jesus used during His time on earth, and who Jesus still uses today, were and are the most broken and empty and falling-appart people available. BUT, how precious is the truth of Jesus’ words in Matthew 9:12-13 “But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners (ESV).” 

Jesus didn't come to give self-righteous and religious people a pat on the back. Jesus came to individually search for the sinner. Jesus came to personally find the lost. Jesus came to gently comfort the hurting. 

Jesus came so that the sinner, the lost and the hurting could personally know God and be filled with power, love and self-control; so that we who were lost would be filled with crazy joy and excitement, knowing that we should've gotten death, the due result of shortcoming, but instead we get mercy→ a gift that we can’t help but share.

You are essential and Jesus wants you. You. You, when you have sinned on a colossal scale, Jesus wants you. You, when you enjoy sin, Jesus wants you. You, when you have failed by worldly standards, Jesus wants you. You, when you have been hurt beyond what seems repairable, Jesus wants you. You, when you have hurt someone else, Jesus wants you. 

Think about the most stunning scene from nature. Think of all the detail throughout the Great Barrier Reef, or the Grand Canyon, or The Rocky Mountains. Every color, coral, boulder, creature and plant has been intricately placed to create stunning beauty. Have you ever thought about the reality that the same designer who wove pigment through massive, hundred-foot rock structures and designed bioluminescent algae, carefully designed your strengths and vulnerabilities? That same designer gave you individual passion and purpose that only you can use in spreading the GREAT NEWS of His LOVE and MERCY. You were uniquely crafted with amazing purpose in mind, no matter who you are, where you live, what you do or what you might do later. Jesus yearns to use you. 

Something so important to point out, is the reality that Jesus actually came for you and me; He chose us! He actually wants us. He didn't despise the rescue that you and I required. He joyfully chose to stand in the gap so that He could spend time with you. Hebrews 12:2. Even though the cost of our sin is beyond comprehension, God the Son wants so so much, right now, exactly as you are. Come as you are (for real.) Matthew 11:28-30. 

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about a young guy named Gideon. You can read his incredible story, starting in Judges 6.  Gideon was living at a point during which Israel, as a result of their decision to strive after evil, was under the oppression of a nation called Midion. During this oppression, Israel called out to God for rescue, and God chose to use Gideon in His redemption of Israel. Gideon, however, was not at all the warrior/rescuer type. Gideon was the youngest member, of the weakest clan, of one of the lowest tribes in all of Israel. Gideon himself questioned God when he was told that he would rescue Israel. God responded with, “But I will be with you, and you shall strike the Midianites as one man (v.16).” Gideon struggled with doubt, but God intentionally used him anyway. Through God, Gideon destroyed the altars of the Midianite gods, and eventually defeated the massive army of Mideon (described as “...sand that is on the seashore in abundance (v11)” ), with a 300 person army and the strength of God.

Gideon was young and didn’t look like a warrior. Gideon was very doubtful of God and struggled with trust. Gideon also fell into deep sexual sin later in his life. And God knew all of that before Gideon was ever even born. But God specifically used Gideon. 

God is so aware of who you are, where you have been and what you will do in the future. God desperately wants to know you and use you for powerful things. There is no sin, or habit or struggle that God is not aware of and is not willing to walk through with you. No sin or failure will change God’s plans. His will is unchangeably settled in time. Jesus died for every single person who has ever lived and ever will live, even if they don’t choose Him. Christ’s invitation into a life that is so rich in purpose, certain to include challenges, and yet full of reward is present for every person in every situation. Really. Romans 10:9 says “ If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (NIV).” Not only will you be saved, but rejoiced in and cherished and poured into and prepared for AMAZING things. 

It gives me so much peace, knowing that despite my failures, God is overjoyed to know me and use me for His infallible purposes. The Bible is FILLED with hugely screwed up people that God used in amazing ways (Zacchaeus, Rahab, Peter and Paul to name a few). I would ask the question, what is stopping you from allowing God to fully use you, as you are? Personally, pride and shame become my strongholds, if I let those things define me. Friend, I would encourage you to allow the peace and presence of God  to define you→ Christ’s sacrifice washes you clean. All the way. When you are in Christ Jesus you are dead to sin and instead alive in Christ. Be free in Him; Be used with powerful purpose.  


People; the masterpiece.


Abide in Him.