In pursuit of the joy, peace and fulfillment found in Christ

Words With Kita

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”- Jesus.


A Look Back! Same but Different?
Kita . Kita .

A Look Back! Same but Different?

Some struggles seem to linger for YEARS! But God is so sovereign. The first section of this blog was written back in March of 2020. I hadn’t published this article, but I recently re-discovered it and thought it would be awesome to add some current thoughts!

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Growth- By Gail
Kita . Kita .

Growth- By Gail

How do you allow challenges to shape you, your relationships, and your forward perspective?

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I initially started writing things back in 2020 around the time when everything shut down due to COVID. During college, writing felt like a way to do something purposeful in the midst of so much disappointment. For a variety of reasons, college became one of the most frustrating and challenging points in my life. It took me three schools and two states to finally graduate!

Throughout the first two years of my college journey, I honestly thought that my situation was an outlier. I assumed that everyone else must be enjoying every moment of college. I walked away from the friends I had, I stopped writing, and I settled for extraordinary stress. I treated my relationship with Christ as purely transactional and became deeply bitter when my plans deteriorated. It has taken me an incredible number of failures and several years’ time to pick up where I left off. 

I am still in the process of repairing my relationships, continuing my walk with God, and understanding my purpose; I am here again, continuing. I decided to return to writing because my younger sister will be finishing high school soon. I hope to encourage her and other young women transitioning from high school into college or the workforce. While college was not what I expected, so much growth and good has still come of my journey. I hope to embolden, reassure, and celebrate in an uplifting way as others begin a new season of life. I am also writing because I, myself, need encouragement. I am still in the process of repair and reconciliation (as a human, I always will be). Writing keeps me accountable and reminds me where I ought to place my hope. 

I hope what you read here encourages you to find joy, peace, and fulfillment in Christ. 

If you’re looking to read the Bible for the first time, wondering where to start is common. While not a theologian or Biblical Studies expert, I agree with well-versed scholars and Bible educators who recommend the Gospel of John as a first stop. The four gospels can be found towards the end of the Bible at the beginning of the New Testament (The second half of the Bible). The gospels are four different accounts of Jesus’ life on earth, leading up to his death and resurrection.

Because there is so much over-complication and biblical-jargon thrown at curious, first-time Bible readers, reading the Gospel of John aides in portraying the very heart of Christianity; Christ’s love and sacrifice for humanity.

 A helpful Bible-reading tip: Read the Bible in the actual context of when, where, and to whom it was originally written. (Take into account historical time periods, cultural practices, the type of audience, and the original meaning of the Hebrew/Greek). Using that information, consider what the text meant for the original readers of the Bible. The central message of the Bible is universal and timeless. Proverbs 30:5-6 says, “Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you and you be found a liar (ESV).” Be intentional learners who seek to see God through the words of scripture (All of scripture).

Ask lots of questions. One of my favorite ways to learn about the Bible is by bring up questions and struggles that I encounter. I love engaging with knowledgeable mentors, wise friends, and experienced pastors/theologians. The only way to know the Bible is to actually read and engage with it. Most importantly, ask God! Pray for a heart of understanding. Ask to know and understand the heart of the scripture. Seek to continually be in the words that God has given us. Knock and the door will be opened. (See Matthew 7:7-8).

At the end of the day, see for yourself. Read for yourself :)

Where to Start Reading the Bible